3 Helpful Tips That Can Help Improve Your Vision at Night | The Specialty Eye Care Centre

3 Helpful Tips That Can Help Improve Your Vision at Night

Closeup of a RoadDo you find yourself struggling with your vision at night? You aren’t alone! Worldwide people are experiencing this same vision impairment at night time. This condition is known as “night blindness.” This term refers to people who are experiencing trouble driving at night or who are having trouble seeing in poorly lit environments. There are many reasons why you may be experiencing problems with your vision at night from sun exposure during the day to a deficiency in vitamin A. Here are 3 helpful tips that you can take today to help improve your night vision!

Make sure your eyes are examined regularly: By regularly having your eyes checked it will ensure that you have an up-to-date prescription which will help increase nighttime visibility. An eye exam can also help you figure out if you are experiencing trouble with your night vision as a symptom of another related eye problem such as cataracts or nearsightedness.

Protect your eyes: With sweltering summer days and the glaring sun upon us, it is the best time to go out and get yourself a new pair of sunglasses! It is important to wear sunglasses during the day to protect your eyes from the damage that can be caused from the bright light and radiation of the sun that you may be exposed to. Not all sunglasses protect your eyes from UV rays so it is important to do your research before to ensure that your eyes are protected from the damaging rays.

Give your eyes time to adjust: It is important to give our eyes time when adjusting them to darkness. On average our eyes need about 25 minutes to fully adjust from bright light to dark. One way that you can help ease your eyes into the adjustment is by keeping your eyes closed when first going from a light environment to a dark one. This will give your eyes a chance to make a smooth transition and help improve your vision at night!


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